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super show 3...
Thursday, March 17, 2011 @ 10:04 AM▲
for u who doesnt know... super show 3 is korean boy band super junior's concert... well, im not a fan myself.... but its a concert!!!! and i love going to concerts.!!!! lebih2 lagi korean!!! hehehe ^^ seronoknye.!! and this time my sister got me a VIP ticket!!! how cool is that!! ^^ ![]() ahhhh!! cant wait!! but... but!!! i hv to go on my own this saturday! heheheh! cuak jugak! but aku jumpe sister ak kat sane laa... dye keje sabtu kang! tue yang x leyh jemput ak tue! haahahah! pape pown! doakan keselamatan aku smpi dsana yeee! love uguys! ^^ do uguys hv anything to say to suju? ak sampaikan kepada mereka! hehehe walaupun korang x leyh komen blog akuh! hwheheheh ^^ adios! wee~~~
blog viewer!!
@ 9:57 AM▲
aku zx tahu la camne korang tau yang aku nie da stat update blog! hehehe!!! tapi yang pasti nye! page views ak meningkat! walaupon xde bende menarik dalam blog nieh!!! hahahah! thanks la kepada korang yang membaca.. walaupon xde follow button lam blog ak nieh... aku pon x tau cm ne nak follow aku... heheheh ! but ade jugak korang yang follow.. alhamdullilah! ^^ thanks laaa wahai follower kuh ! i hv a twitter too! kadang2 rase cam nak delete jee fb sbb da lembab nak mam.... tapi membe2 x ramai kat twitter!.. anyway if korang yang ade twitter tu bole la follow aku kat --> oke laa...! adious! ^^
insomnia part 2!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 @ 4:41 PM▲
haha! i find it funny when i just talk about insomnia last nite... and now here i am writing about insomnia again!! well, u might hv guess... i didnt get any sleep last night and here i am.. at 7.44 a.m... writing about it.!!! i done with the laundry and i dont know what to do now.. so, i might as well write on my blog rite! hahahah! i hv a headache rite now... it really hurt!!! but seriously if i tell anybody.. diorg akan ingat aku menadangada.! ingat aku sukesuke jeke x tido? ak x leyh tdo laaa... aigooo... it will be hard on me kalau aku masuk college nanty! T_T! aigooo! cam ne nieh!!! adious muchahas! ^^
@ 1:32 PM▲
ok! seriously! aku rase aku nie ade insomnia.!!! buat korang yang x tahu! Insomnia is difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, or having nonrefreshing sleep for at least 1 month memang ak da lame x tido dengan sempurna! ak x bleh tido malam!!! selagi belum pagi.. selagi tue mate ak nie x bleh tdo.! awat laaa.... ishishish!!! x kesa laa...! naseb baek ade blog nieh! bole la update kankankan!! heheheh ^^ walaupon xde org bace but! x pe la janji ak boleh menulis.!! ak suke menaip! at least it is a good practice rite! ^^ oookkkk.... antara major issue ak skang yelah!! i hv no money at all.... im not working and i keep on spending money! and now i hv no money! aku nak g banyak konsert tahun nie! but!! pokai meh! cam ne? hahahah! kpd sesape yang bace blog nie! kalau ade laa.. saya nak RM 70 bole? hahahah! ^^
Monday, March 14, 2011 @ 6:25 AM▲
ish! ish! ish! berkurun jugak aku x update blog niee! ade ke org bce? hahaha! xde sbenanye! but, tgok membe2 update blog! seronok jugee! heheheheh! so cite ape jeee nak update nie... hehe! hurm!!! since last year!! or no.. since last update!!!! 1st things yg cheq nak habaq..... cheq da ade lesen kereta!!!! ahahahha! ^^ hepi seyh! but,,,,, berani ke aku nak bawak kereta!? berani lerrr! but nak auto boleh! haha then! hurm..... work! everybody is working now! membe2 sume koje! aku x koje! x de duit nieh! artis2 ramai plak buat konsert tahun nieh! adesss! itu wajib pergi meh!!!! susahsusah! mne laa nak dapat duit nie! nak ade sugardaddy x berkelayakkan pulee! hahaha! pape laaaa....! so, ak da x tao nak tulis ape.! and im not a good writer kot.! hahaha! x tahu nak berbungabunga! kehkeh! but one thing yg ak nk tulis sblom post nieh! ak ade kenal sorang budak nie! yang xde la cantik sangat! ade ABG ANGKAT org jepun! hoe cool is that! abg angkat dye siap manje gile ngan dye! untungnye! budak tue pon asyik jee cakap ngan aku pasal abg angkat dye tue! aish! aku tau laaa....! jealous tao x.!!! hahahaha! okeh! dsini sajeee! ^^ adious!