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Gratisan Musik
This is Rock Bottom
Thursday, May 8, 2014 @ 12:34 AM
First of all,
Assalammualaikum to all my muslim readers and Hello to my non muslim readers.
(fendeling ramai baca kan)
tak kisah lah because i know no one actually read my blog.
i'll write this blog untuk tulis apa yang aku rasa sebab aku bukan jenis yang berkongsi dengan orang
and frankly, sekarang aku sangat depress.. sangat sangat depress
and aku rasa dekat blog je aku boleh luahkan apa yang aku rasa..
memang kalau kawankawan aku ada masalah aku lah tempat diorang mengadu..
aku tak kisah mendengar.. aku tak kisah.. tapi untuk aku berkongsi dengan orang masalah aku..
memang tak lah...
okay, aku sedih gilagila sekarang to the point i even think about killing myself..
BUT i dont hv the guts to do it.. lagipun dosa besar wehh..
memang tak lah kan.. aku tau apa yang aku lalui sekarang cuma dugaan..
tapi kalau asyik di duga.. sakit jugakkan?
yang aku sedih sangat pasal pelajaran aku.. dah 3 tahun aku amek diploma..
and something happen and sekarang aku mungkin x dapat sijil diploma aku..
to be honest, when i tell my parents.. diorang supportive gila and itu buat aku lagi sedih sebabnyaaaa...
diorang sokong aku lepastu aku kecewa kan diorang..
masalahnyaaa aku dah usaha.. 
aku tau banyak dosa aku itu sebab dugaan pun beratberat..
i spent my holidays which is for about 4 weeks now crying myself to sleep.
and the worse part is selalunya aku tak boleh tido..
i know it is bad for me because at a very young age aku adalah pesakit darah tinggi
dan juga diabetes.. and of course tak de kawan aku yang tau...
my own siblings pon  tak tahu.. and because of masalah aku nie,..
i started to question myself.. kenapa aku?
kenapa berat sangat dugaan.? kenapa aku? kenapa kenapa kenapa kenapa?
but i know i know aku yakin Allah S.W.T bagi ujian sebab Dia sayang..
Dia rindu nak dengar hamba Dia mengadu dekat Dia..
walaupun aku sedih but everytime aku menangis.. aku akan comfort myself..
ingatkan balik yang Allah sayangkan hambahamba Dia.. and
theres always a rainbow after the rain..
so for all of you that read this ( kalau ada)..
smile always and stay positive..
doakan aku yee.. 
aku doakan korang jugak!!
lots if love..
adiossss <3 b="">
(btw, i feel better now :) )

Wednesday, July 10, 2013 @ 10:10 PM
yep as the tittle clearly state i am now officially 20 years old..
omg.. its a 2.. 20 years old.. i feel old already..
for this year birthday..
it was okayy i guess..
i got a cake from my second family and also of course
tepung + sirap + all the things i cant describe were thrown at me..
mereka nampaknye berpuas hati sebab dapat menyimbah saya dengan kekotoran tersebut.
itulah yg dinanti untuk menyimbah saya..
well im not mad.. im happy in fact.. 
thanks gaiz.. levchu allaa.. :)  
well moving on.. on my birthday was also the first day of ramadhan..
so i hereby wanted to say to all my readers(sekali lagi bajet ramai readers)..
HAPPY RAMADHAN.. have a great one.. RAMADHAN best woo
bbukan sebab raya dah dekat jee..
tapi best sebab banyak kelebihan yg kita dapat semasa RAMADHAN...
but im too lazy too share..
korang boleh jee google "kelebihan ramadhan"
nanti banyak keluar.. hehhehe
okayyy im using someone else lappy for writing this updates..
the battery are about to die very soon..
better get going..

before i go.. 
take these.. 
feel the cuteness

love DESPICABLE ME 2 and absolute love the minions.! 

love <3 b="">

Monday, June 10, 2013 @ 7:58 PM
Hello readers..
muhahahahah bajet ramai readers en.. hahahah
so im writing again.. and yes..
in english again..
i know my english sucks..
but whatever leee kan..
hahahahah so, about the tittle..
yeah because im writing on this blog again..
everytime i write...
its a masterpiece..
sile jeles..
walaupun xde orang bace kan..
hahahah tapi xpe.,. mane tau 1 hari nanti..
bila aku dah xde kat dunia nie..
orang jumpa blog aku.. then walla...
kayaaa.. tapi dapat kat family aku lah,.
`ok merepek.. 
sebenarnye.. x boleh nak tulis pepanjang..
pepagi lagi dah ade orang datang...
bermulanya semester baru..
bermulanya hidup busy walaupun sepanjang tahun akumemang busy!
okok got to go..
kang kantoi aku tulis blog nie.. hewhew.. byeee !
adios <3 b="">

Thursday, February 14, 2013 @ 9:14 PM
baru tengah hari.. tapi aku dah bengang tahap bangang!
haihhhh.. kenapa orang berjanji kalau x dapat tunaikan?
masalhnyaaaaa dia yang berjanji bagai nak rak..
pastu dia bail out..
watehel dude..
you shoud know better..
im sooooo mad that im not even gonna write about mr somebody else..

@ 2:42 AM
after a while today.. me myself and i wanna write something on this blog again!
dont know why but everytime i write..
i write in english.. not that my english is superb..
but i dont know..
as a practise kot.. mungkin ade orang yg tolong check kalau ade grammatical error..
as everyone notice (bajet ramai yg baca blog ni)
aku dah remove gmbr and my profile..
coz i wanna write sesuki hati nye pun hadoi dalam blog nie tanpa memikir kan orang lain..
bukannye aku nak bash orang ke hape.. 
tapi nak tulis apeape lahh yang terbuku kat hati nie..
menggedik kan..
as i dont trust people with my feeling..
i trust blog more kot.. hahah
wadahal worldwide boleh baca kan..
bajet semua orang faham bahasa rojak kau lah? 
(pertanyaan kepada diri sendiri)
 so as the tittle of this post...

my throat is killing me..
and as a result of sore throat..
DEMAM pun dtg jugak...

what i hate about myself when im sick..
im the biggest cry baby ever..
every thing annoying to me..

i wanna cry all the time..
luckily people around me understand and melayan jee karenah saya,..
TQ kawan2 (sebab sekarang sye berada disekitar kawan2)

ps to mr.somebody else's = i hope one day you realize how much i love you..

ya, to all my readers.. the stupid me love someone else now, but the stupid me
love someone who belong to someone else.. maksudnya dia dah berpunya..
aigoo but the stupid me love him so much.. kesian jugak tgok the stupid me..
mr. someone else's tu baik? kot.. sebab tu the stupid me suka.. tapi xpe.. the berfikiran waras
me boleh chillkan the stupid me tu supaya love someone else..
did i just make things weirder... heheh da lama x tulis dlm blog.. thats why.. hahah
gonna heard from me very soon.. kot lahh kalau rajin menulis lagi..
<3 b="">

even for 100 years.!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 @ 12:00 PM
so guys,
its been ages rite...
well, not really... hahaha
what im trying to say is..
its been quite awhile since the last update...
i really want to write a full update today..
but, guess what being the typical me..
when i started writing this update...
i forget almost everything...
so, watehel...
lets talk about anything...
hurm, about my the title of this update..
just wanna say that
ya, thats right...
i will love them forever!!
i dont know.. they are everything to me..

ok.. enough about that because i will start
crying everytime i talked about our boys...
so, no more tears..
i wanna write about HE...
so, i got jealous these past few days...
but, who am i to get jealous or anything..
i am only his friend...
not even a best friend..
i never been this way..
i never feel this way before..
yesterday i really feel like confessing;...
luckily, i didnt..
just imagine... what if i did confess..
things must be awkward between us..
if HE accept me than its ok..
but if HE rejected(which i think he would),
i maybe die,..
luckily, i didnt but i kinda regret it..
well, u never know unless you try rite?
well. whatever, maybe next time i'll try...

enough about that...
so, these past few days...
there was a fuzz on the internet about
that poor child in china(i guess)
she got hit by a van and then got hit again
by a car.!
and the WATEHEL PART is that
nobody i mean nobody at all helped her..!
she just lying down on the middle of the road...
and all the passer by just ignore her.!
whatehel are u thingking guys?
do you think she was sleeping or resting IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD.!
please inject our self with some sense of mercy or something nice...
it sad... its really sad when i watch the video..
im crying ya! im crying like crazy!
i was WATEHEL people!!
help her.! haish!

i hope here in Malaysia..
kite still ade unsur2 yang baik.!
coz we are one big family guys!
love uuuu!

till the next update!

music changed!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 @ 12:52 PM
Guess what peepsss!!
i've changed my background music.!!
its u can count on me by BRUNO MARS..
i promised uguys i will changed my
layout too..
but not tonight! haha
so, here the lyrics.!
its is about friendship and LOVE! ya...
so here it is..

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh

If you toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will remind you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go, never say goodbye

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh

You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

